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Ministries Overview

St. Luke’s UMC Young Family Ministry Committee is a new formed ministry which is led by Joshua Mafuahingano and Sophia Mafuahingano. Given the significance God places on healthy relationships, a logical question is: what is the role of the church in building a strong marriages and families? One vital life sign of a healthy church is a health of its marriages and families.


The church has been called to be a lighthouse, the source of solutions for a lost and dying society. Developing a comprehensive young family ministry at St. Luke’s UMC is one of the most effective means of helping our young families learn what it means to “become conformed to the image of his son” (Romans 8:29) and of outreach into our community here in Richmond.


The home is the window through which children get their first glimpse of God. It is also where they get their first glimpse of who they are and what they are worth. Children discover their value and worth in the mirror of those around them by how much they are looked at, listened to and touched, by what their parents say to them and about them in front of others, and by how much time their parents make for them.


This year the Young Family Ministry partnered with the VBS Team to facilitate our Summer VBS Program. The 2016 VBS Theme was “Deep Sea Discovery” We had a good positive response from all young families who supported and participated for the whole week which began on June 13th through till June 17th.


We are excited and blessed about this new venture of sharing, learning, blessing, fun and most of all to fellowship with and among young families as the members of St. Luke’s UMC moves growing in Faith, growing in Mission and growing in Numbers. In 2017, we are prayerfully hoping to build the Young Family ministry and to organize and facilitate more events.


LEADERS: Sosiua Mafuahingano & Sophia Mafuahingano.

Young Family Ministry

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